Monday, January 26, 2009

My favorite places...

There are a lot of places around the community of TCU that I would consider unique or some of my favorite places. For example, I think that Fuzzy's Tacos would be one of my favorite places because it is a local hang out that is recognized by almost everyone at TCU. A lot of people go hang out there and it is really close to campus, also it is not a chain (that I know of) so I think this is a good place in the TCU community. Also that aardvark is some place unique to the TCU community. It is the local music venue and because I really like going to concerts, this is especially one of my favorites. I think this would be a good example of some place that is within the TCU community and unique. The stockyards would be another local attraction. This is some place that is unique to the TCU/Fort Worth area that I think is cool because of the history and attractions. This is some place that is cool and that you can't see any where else in the world. I think that with all the old buildings and brick roads, this is a really cool part of the TCU/Fort Worth community. 


  1. There are indeed a lot of places unique to TCU. Of the many you mentioned, I feel the Aardvark would be the best place especially since you love going to concerts and this would make observing there both enjoyable and easy. Another reason I think this is the best one is that Fuzzy's does have other locations, in Arlington for instance. While I don't know if this makes it a chain...I just wanted to let you know.

  2. Thank you!! There are actually like 4 locations or something, but I thought that Fuzzy's would be good because its not a HUGE chain, and the location here in Fort Worth is, in my opinion, part of the TCU community. Thanks for looking out for me though!!
    I also don't think I can go do two+ observations at the aardvark before our next class since it is only open certain times :/
