Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Space in the community

Fuzzy's is an important part of the community for a few reasons. Because there are not a lot of locations, it makes it seem like a unique place for the community. Also, there are some TCU things there that tie it to the university. There are also the late hours, which make it a student friendly restaurant. It is one of the only late night options that is not fast food. Also the fact that they serve alcohol makes it a student friendly hang out. Fuzzy's is good for the community too because it is close to campus and a place where students can walk and hang out there. There is also out door seating, which make it a nice place to go. There are a lot of reasons Fuzzy's is good for the community. 

1 comment:

  1. Fuzzy's is a really cool place, I agree. What sort of TCU things does fuzzy's have? What makes it unique to the community other than it doesn't have many locations? It's pretty cool that it is open so late. It gives students an option to eat other than nasty fast food. Other then Fuzzy's being good for the community what else is it like? What are the people like there? What do they surve to eat?
