Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Public Space

The public space I plan to analyze is Fuzzy's Taco Shop. I chose Fuzzy's because it is close to campus and because I know people from TCU go there a lot. I also chose Fuzzy's because it is not a huge chain, there are only a few locations, which make it unique and "local". I plan to go on Thursday around lunch time, Friday or Saturday afternoon/night, and possibly again Sunday morning. This way I can see the different types of crowds on different days and at different times. I have only been to Fuzzy's a few times, but I still have some ideas about it. For example, I think it is popular hang out by TCU students. I think it is a pretty laid back atmosphere. I expect to discover why students like to go there (the food? the drinks? the atmosphere? the convenience?) I also expect to discover how specifically this location tries to identify with the community it serves. I also expect to discover what arguments Fuzzy's is trying to make. 

1 comment:

  1. Ellie, This sounds like a very interesting topic for your analysis, and it seems like you'll discover quite a bit about the space based on observing at different times. It'll be interesting to hear from you about the differences in audiences and rhetorical strategies. Your interest in the arguments related to Fuzzy's as part of the TCU and local community sounds like it will make for a great essay. Good work on the proposal.
